Struggle in communication

I noticed that it become more profound that I have difficulty in communicating well with others. Hence I prefer to write first before saying it. I got the impression that I can talk well, since I am able to influence others through my talks and one to one session. I able to recruit hundreds of people to join tarbiah, at same time giving weekly and monthly talks to hundreds of people.

But it comes to this stage when my communication got worse as i climb up the ladder. The best communicator always is the one who able to speak to the same language as the listener. I often noticed even my patient and my boss didnt understand what am I saying, or got it wrong. I even have difficulty talking to my parents and expressed what I felt. I never rarely share much of my personal experience with them due to the way I was brought up and they treat me since I was young. I was so much reserved with my family compare to my friend. Only through usrah I learned how to speak well.

Even then I noticed I have difficulty in communicating with my partner, just because she is so precise and direct, where sometimes I do not have clear picture in my mind yet. The way I get my idea accross is by talking through things, which is not the same like her. Similary with few other staffs, the informations often get disjointed. People don’t really understand what I’m trying to say. This bring me to my comfort zone of not want to explain much, just write. But this is not suppose to be the way. The good leader able to communicate well. We need to communicate well. Skills that didn’t come naturally to me and I need to improve it .

How do you communicate well with others? I guess by keep on trying.

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