Great team

Among the greatest asset a company should have, is the great team. I enjoyed the moment I get to know great people and able to work with them. The same excitement that I have experience when I was 16 years old, getting to know about dakwah and recruiting people to join tarbiah.

Since that moment I have met with hundreds of brothers and sisters, working together with them in spreading dakwah. Only then when this year arrive, those experience transformed from just recruiting great people to do dakwah together, to recruiting great people to work in the same company for the sake of spreading dakwah through great contents.

Alhamdulillah. I felt so blessful to be given the opportunity to witness the achievement we have gotten so far. Having new office rejevunate some new energy and spirit within us. We have been working so hard till able to get the chance to get to the new office and design it the way we want it to be. I remembered we want to move out from old office since July 2019. We made earlier plan and thought we want to have 2 separate office and warehouse since we unable to find suitable warehouse that we wanted. But Covid has changed us. We have to changed our plan to only one premise. Alhamdulillah. I am glad we made the choice. Though it is further away from the current office, but I glad the way it turned out to be. It is our new office.

Looking at the rate we are growing, perhaps we need another new office/warehouse by mid of next year. I envisioned we would have IMAN campus by 2025- where our team members would arrive to 200-300 people. Thats a lot. Even then I think we are struggling to get things organise with just less than 50 people. But I enjoyed being surrounded with the soleh and solehah people through my working time in IMAN. Makes me wonder again and again is it worth the sacrifice to still having to juggle between medicine and iMAN. I really love being in iMAN and makes things happen. But there is something in me, the stimulation that my brain needs – I need to finish what I started in medicine.

In iMAN the challenge is not so much of solving the problems, because mostly the team would know how to get the answer. The challenge is more on the planning, on ensuring we get the right people at the right position, knowing the game we are playing, and putting things at the right place and right time. Like playing the chess. Only thing is, there is no checkmate in our game. Just continous journey.

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